
The weather is getting nicer, it is partly sunny today, a bit of a breeze and it is currently 57 degrees, which is a lot warmer now then this time yesterday and I am feeling bleh. Not sure why, I probably should get my butt in gear and go back on my supplements and my multivit. Doing pretty well on my allergy meds, haven't had any problems since I started, which is nice. I hate allergies, I never had them as a kid (except for being allergic to doctors and needles LOL) and I resent getting them late in life.

Did get my garden watered yesterday, pulled up a whole lotta maple seedlings that were sprouting in my garden and lawn. Then went in and fell down on the couch.

Whipped up some chicken and fettucine noodles for dinner. I do love the Johnny's Caesar Garlic seasoning, used that on the chicken with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice and baked it and then served it with fettucine noodles tossed with olive oil. Yummy (I am looking forward to lunch, I brought the leftovers :D )

Hubby had problems sleeping last night, which meant I kept waking up all night.

Looking forward to planting for next year, I've gotta get in some broccoli, I really want to have something that I can harvest early, I hate waiting for later inthe summer. I am giving serious consideration to getting some seeds for the new variety of cauliflower. It's orange and is higher in vitamin A then its white relative. It wasn't until recently I found out cauliflower isn't supposed to be grey and mushy, so I am looking forward to giving this one a try.
