10 Commandments of Self-Love

Here is something that came thru on a mailing list I am on. Posted with permission:

10 Commandments of Self-Love (c)
by Pat Ballard

1. Thou shalt never stand in front of a mirror and
think negative thoughts about thyself.

2. Thou shalt never stand anywhere and think negative
thoughts about thyself.

3. Thou shalt search diligently for thy good points
and whenst thou hast found them, even though it may
only be one, thou shalt hold on to the good points and
nourish them and build upon them and cause them to
grow mightily.

4. Thou shalt close thy mind to any negative words,
thoughts or actions that thine enemy might hurl thy
way, and shalt never let them enter thy mind in any
form or fashion. Neither shalt thou allow any soul to
say negative things to thee or about thee.

5. Thou shalt always conduct thyself in an honorable
fashion and not allow thy mouth to appear larger than
thy body.

6. Thou shalt always do thy best to look like thou
carest about thyself, as no one respects a slob, no
matter what size that slob mightest be.

7. Thou shalt learn what thy best colors are, and what
thy best hair style is, and what thy best clothes
style is, and thou shalt never go forth on any day
from thy dwelling place without being arrayed in such

8. Thou shalt always, and without fail, smile and
simply say, ?Thank you,? when thou receivest a
compliment. Thou shalt not, in thy heart nor to the
air aloud, say that the compliment is not true.

9. Thou shalt stop apologizing about thy size, or thy
appearance, and shalt expect the world and all that is
therein to accept thee, respect thee and be happy with
thee as thou art.

10. But most of all, thou shalt love thyself. When
thou lovest thyself, others will love thee and respond
to thee even in the exact manner as to how thou
feelest about thyself.
