New Quote

I decided it was time for a new quote on my header. I was going to put one by Roseanne Barr about growing to take up space that Wild Witch sent. but I came across the one above while I was cleaning out my desk and thought it was just right for now.

As for why I was cleaning out my desk...I got a new desk! I got a new desk! Okay, it isn't exactly new, it is an old wooden one that probably belonged to the library when it was housed in one of the other buildings eons ago, but it is new to me :D I love old furniture and when one of the other offices here said they were getting rid of it I leaped at the chance to get it. It has wonderful character and even better yet, a door that doesn't fall off if I look at it wrong LOL My old desk is one of those 1950's metal types with the pull out typing platform I don't use and the door is always falling off. It was a nice desk as far as it went, but just no character. Now if I can lay my hands on a wooden 2-drawer filing cabinet and a wooden typing table I am all set :D

One nice thing about getting a new (to me) desk, I had to finally go thru all my drawers and trays. I found calanders from 1998! Okay, I admit I am a packrat :D It's genetic, I can't help it heheheheheh
