Monday Monday

Amazing how the littlest things will make one happy, like brand new 24 quart professional grade stock pot hehehehehehe. Went shopping on Sat and came home with the stock pot, so I'll have no excuse now this next turkey day to not have the carcass of the bird in a pot and stocking away as soon as dinner is over. It is also big enough that we are looking at attempting our very first batch of beer this weekend.

We were going to do mead, I have my late dad's recipe for it, but has anyone checked out the price of honey lately Ye GODS!!!!!!! Since we have all the stuff for beer we're going to do that first and either hope the price of honey comes down enough or we locate a local source that isn't going to cost a small arm and leg.

Am really getting the gardening bug. I finally put my poor avacado sprout into some dirt. There were a ton of roots and it had sent up a shoot about 3 inches long, so I figured it was finally time. Now I'm going to look at stating some veggies inside. I'm trying to find out if the seeds from the bell peppers we buy at the store would be viable. So far one source on a gardening group I am on said most likely not, but what the hey! If they don't sprout I can use the soil for other seeds. I did find a packet of eggplant seeds, they were packed about 3 years ago, not sure if they are viable or not either, but again, won't know until I try it. I'm also planning on putting in a couple types of tomatos, still haven't decided what else besides the bell peppers and the egg plants.
