
Happy November 1st everyone. So far not off to a very auspicious start. My phone shut itself off some time in the wee hours of the morning so I woke up at 8:15 am. No alarm, so no snooze button, thus no gentile waking up.

I hate having to rush in the morning. Didn't get my coffee until I got to work. Blargh!

Actually decorated for Halloween this year. Not much, got a pumpkin to carve (and scored lots of pumpkin seeds which I roasted) and a witch to hang up who has LED eyes and lights under her skirt.

I rinsed the pumpkin seeds and then tossed them in olive oil, turmeric, garlic seasoning, and a bit of salt. Roasted at 35oF for about 20 minutes and there was happy noshing!

Only had 3 trick or treaters, but since I haven't had any for the last 20 some odd years where we used to live, I was happy. Just wish I'd been home for it. Hubby manned the candy dish and even came up with a way to play spooky sounds out on the porch. Can't wait for next year. We'll do a LOT more decorating and I will see about taking off work early so I can be home to hand out candy.

Will keep the pumpkin on display for a few more days, sans lights tho. I will see about breaking it up this weekend and putting it out behind the shed for the squirrels.
