Guess who greeted me this morning?

The Tig!!!!!

Came stumbling out after my shower to get the coffee going and heard a "mreeep!" from the kitty condo, looked over and there he was. He'd come in all on his own (which I knew he does, but usually when we aren't in the house or awake). Went over and gave him scitches:

Tig indoors

Was miffed when I stopped:

Tig indoors

He followed me into the kitchen, so I made sure the food dishes all had crunchies. I think he was hinting for canned food, will have to pick some up ASAP.

He went right back to his perch and joined the hubby and I while we watched morning faux news, drank coffee and read our respective morning reading on our 'puters.

Tig indoors

When it came time to leave for work he was still on his perch and didn't look like he was planning on leaving anytime soon. SO with luck, we will have a mostly indoor kitty this winter when the weather gets nasty and I won't worry so much about him.
