BLARGH!!!!..... I need more weekend

Today would be a good day to stay home and have more weekend. Cold and ick out.

Not a bad weekend, didn't get a whole heck of a lot done and took a 3 hour nap on Saturday. More or less just puttered all weekend. Got out a bit on Saturday to shop and mail off a few packages. Ended up going back to the store on Sunday to pick up ingredients for race noshies. Hubby has to be off sausages and most meat for a while, so I picked up some nice sharp cheddar cheese and some of the Buddig deli slices in chicken and turkey. Made up a batch of my GF puff pastries and baked them stuffed with a chuck of cheese wrapped in a slice of meat. Then I rolled some cheese and meat in corn tortillas and brushed them with olive oil and sprinkled garlic seasoning on them and made baked tacquitos. Very yummy. Made for really good race noshies and dinner.

Didn't do much other cooking at all this weekend, just wasn't quite in the mood.

The race was good, not too much excitement after the last several races, so will be ready for the excitement at Bristol this next Sunday.

Worked on my letter for the Palouse Women Artist project. I have the letter A. It is part of a phrase, all the women took a letter or two and the letters can be in any media as long as they fit in a 12"X12" frame. The finished letters will be hung up at the Moscow Food C0-0P. I'm doing mine in digital watercolor and when I get it printed out will do some hand coloring and then frame it.

While watching the race I added a couple digital watercolors/chalk drawings to my Zazzle shop. I've two more drawings to post when I get the chance.

Put Scrapper in the Cone of Shame yesterday (at least for a little while). He's been scratching under his chin and has a big patch of missing fur and raw skin. I slathered on some triple ointment and on went the cone. He went batshit, poor thing. He REALLY did not like it. After about 10 minutes of him being pathetic, backing up and down the hallway, leaping to get over it
and me laughing like crazy, I finally had to take it off him. The last straw was when he sat up on his haunches, looked really pathetic and fell over backwards. I had to take it off. Besides, at that point I was laughing so hard I'd stopped breathing. If it looks like his scratching gets worse we'll try again, but in the meantime we'll slather the ointment on a couple times a day to see if that relieves the ictching and he stops scratching.

Okay, guys can stop reading now, I'm going to talk about women stuff......

Seems my inner child has decided playing with matches is boring. She's switched to a flamethrower AND added major hormone shifts to the package.


Minor hot flashes I can deal with, I still have plenty of Evening Primrose oil caps for those and if I am at home can strip to as little as possible to cool off. It is the sudden urge to cry while folding laundry that is disconcerting. Luckily hubby was at hand and willing to interrupt his work to curl up and cuddle while I radiated like a nuclear furnace and sniffled on his shoulders.

Okay, so far it isn't bad, I have yet to really deal with night sweats and the hot flashes out in public have been livable (esp when it is 20F outside), but I am not looking forward to it getting worse. I am hoping that this is as bad as it gets as I can't take most of the herbal remedies thanks to the Graves' disease. Herbs like Black Cohosh and Dong Quai, which are good, are a BIG no-no for me. Have to do some serious research to see what else I can take for various symptoms.
