Cute critter Thursday

A coworker gestured me to follow him outside when he got to work this morning. Once I saw what he wanted to show me, I ran back in for my camera:

Little brown bat

Little brown bat

Little brown bat

Little brown bat

A little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus) I believe, tho I could be mistaken. Not real up on my bat species.

I am a little worried about him or her hanging out on the front wall like that. I hope it is okay and it just decided that it was a good spot to be and it isn't sick, poor thing.


Nan said…
You do realize bats are a known reservoir for rabies, right? One of the very few people to ever survive a rabies infection without having received vaccination before onset of symptoms, a 15-year-old named Jeanna Giese, contracted it from a bat bite in 2004. I like bats myself, but be very, very careful around them.
JeanC said…
Oh yeah. I used to work at a wildlife rehab place and we were VERY up on bats and rabies. Bats were handled with extreme care as the percentage of bats with rabies in that county was very high.

Another co-worker stopped by a while ago to say someone from facilities was moving the bat. I didn't get a chance to find out what they had planned to do. I seriously hope they knew what they were doing.
MarmiteToasty said…
Now if thats not the cutiest little creature..... I hope its ok though...

If one stands at the edge of Petersfield Lake just before twilight, and stand very still, the bats swoop past ones head and dip down into the lake to get a drink....

over here bats are a protected species....

Was it still there when you left work?

JeanC said…
No, as mentioned, someone came by and took it away. I do hope it was to relocate the little darling to a more appropriate location.