Blogfest '08 photos

I've got the photos posted on my Flickr account and here is a slide show:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Anonymous said…
JeanC: I was glad to meet you and that you had a chance to come by for a stick. The party was fun and I like your pictures. Thanks for coming and maybe we will do this again next year. The Stickman
JeanC said…
It was great meeting you, hopefully the next time we come up that way we can visit at your place a while longer (and if the weather is nice enough check out the lovely hill you live next too :) ).
Idaho Dad said…
JeanC, great to meet you! I forgot to tell you to say hi to Jeff Slack for me.

He might not remember me, but I sure remember him!

One of these days I'll upload "Slack: The Sitcom" to YouTube.
JeanC said…
I will say hi for you :) If need be if he looks blank I'll pull up HBO and show him your pic :D

I'll keep an eye out if you do upload the sitcom.