
Had to call in sick today, it's settled into to my lungs. Luckily not too deeply, but enough to make me miserable. Went back to bed and slept in until 11:30am. Felt a bit better, but still bad enough I'm not going anywhere.

Currently got the house to myself, hubby and D went out to the range again and P took the baby out for a ride as she wasn't going down for her nap willingly. Later they are going to do a bit more shopping and hubby will take them out to Spring Valley and vicinity for a bit of sightseeing.

Lovely, just took my temp and I'm still running a bit over 99F.

At least the weather is nice enough I can open the windows and get a bit of fresh air in.

Kitties are slowly coming to terms with the house guests, just in time for them to be taking off LOL. Managed to get all 4 of them in last night, tho Scrapper killed the one set of blinds trying to get out and ended up falling into the baby's crib. D said he's never seen a cat go straight up in the air and make right angle turns to get out of the room while in mid-air. Wish I had the camcorder for that one hehehehehe.

Time for a toddy and a couple of aspirin.
