Okay, let's see....



Hall's cold defense with vit C and zinc..check

Cool cayene with Butcher's Broom..check

Whisky..nope, have to wait to use that after I get home. I prefer hot toddies over Nyquil any day.

So the cold is currently at bay, only a slight sore throat this morning and my sinuses are fairly clear. I think I should be able to get thru the day with the supplies I've got.

We popped out last night in a driving hail storm to go out for dinner. We went to the chinese buffett and I got to eat my fill of salt and pepper shrimp. Tummy is seriously happy. Didn't get any crab tho, someone beat me to it and they didn't refill the pan. Oh well, next time hehehehehehehe.

Speaking of driving hail storm, it was a doozy. Haven't seen that much hail in a long time. A bit of thunder and lightning too, but I missed most of that being inside.

Am looking at upgrading my Flickr account to pro, so ALL my pics will show, instead of the most current 200 and I can have unlimited sets. So with luck I will be able to do that in a few days.

Actually got all 4 of the kitties in last night, tho Scrapper made his escape at 3am again. I have GOT to figure out how to get all those mats out of Rum Tum without blood loss (mine).

I've my women's self defense class tonight, so my hubby and guests are on their own for dinner since I won't be home until after 8. It will be nice to have the next two days off to putter about and have P help me figure out all the manual settings on my camera.
