Devil Duckies at the Library

I did say I had an itch, Devil Duckies and a camera LOL

Devil Duckies at the library

Devil Duckies at the library

Devil Duckies at the library

Devil Duckies at the library


Chimera said…
*what next?*

I had to go look up "devil duckies" to find out what you were talking about. Sheesh...people -- grown ups -- actually buy these things? LOL!

So where did this phenomenon come from?
JeanC said…
Not exactly where the phenom came from, but the first time I saw a Devil Duck, I fell in love. Archie McPhee in Balloard WA does a booming business in them.

Besides the duckies in the pics, I've got a Devil Ducky shower curtain, a Devil Ducky bar towel and Devil Ducky earrings. I used to have a glow in the dark Devil Ducky keychain, but that Devil Ducky disappeared :( I used to have the BIG Devil Duck, but my "nephew" (grandbabies of coven members are kin as far as I am concerned :D ) took such a great liking to it at one circle that I had to give it to him. Every baby needs a giant Devil Ducky for their bath time LOL.

Eventually I'm going to get the Devil Ducky bathmat :D