Hot, hot, hot redux

It's already 81F out and it is going to get hotter. They are talking breaking records set in the 1920s. EEP!!!! On the plus note, my tomatos are loving the heat and are growing taller every time I look at them, so maybe I'll have some success this year. I hope so.

We got the air conditioner installed in the bedroom for the summer. Now we need to get one for hubby's office so he can survive the summer. I ended up in the bedroom yesterday with the laptop trying to stay cool.

The grill is going to get a workout this week. I think I'll seriously agitate for at least a table top gas grill for cooking. I like my charcoal, but gas would be faster and less messy in this hot weather. The grill I want runs $2000 and I haven't been able to convince hubby it's a good investment hehehehehehe. That's what I get marrying a guy without the grilling/BBQ gene :D

Sitting in the house last night eating dinner when I got a whiff of something. I turned to hubby and asked if he smelt something weird, like buring rubber. He said no. A little later I was talking to J thru the window and she asked if I could smell skunk. I sniffed and realized that's what I was smelling. I immediately ran out to grab the boys since I wouldn't put it past Rum Tum to try and stalk a skunk. Luckily neighter one had. We saw the up hill neighbor wandering about with a rifle. Seems we have had a family of skunks move in and was starting to create trouble. He'd dispatched one and was looking fo the others. Not sure if he found the others, have to check today. As much as I like skunks and usually have a live and let live attitide, there is a small rabies problem with the local population that we have to watch out for and it is better to be safe then sorry.

Finally got the bedroom mostly cleaned up and organized. I'm now thinking of going with a very eclectic asian theme for it. Of course, it all has to incorporate the gun racks LOL. Keyword, very eclectic hehehehehehe.

Bagged up a lot of clothes I either can't wear or look terrible on me. Took them to a friend who will see they get to women who can use them. I'll probably do another purge in a month or so when I feel like doing it again.

Starting to get stuff together for our trip to Canada in a couple weeks. We'll be meeting up with friends and doing the camping thing. We're looking at Manning Park, whihc I haven't been to, but everyone else has. I looked at fishing licenses, EEP!!!!!! $20 for just one day, so if I do do any fishing it will be for one day only. Still have to decide if I want to or not. We still have to get our licenses down here so we can fish locally. I'm going to get the combo fish/hunting license so if I do go hunting this year I can save a couple bucks.

Solstice circle on Sat was GREAT. Everyone got seriously lit by the rit and we're hoping to do similar ones more often.


Chimera said…
If you're gonna be anywhere near the Vancouver area, send me an e-mail. I'll make the time, and we can meet for coffee, maybe? Or, if this weather keeps up (we have it, too!), iced cappuccino!
Anonymous said…
That sounds like a plan. I'll know better once we get the final details hashed out.