I hate time changes

It really screw me up. Granted my bod said we went to bed at 10:30pm, the clock said 11:30pm and when the alarm went off at 7am this morning my bod was going "Wait a gosh danged minute, it's 6am!!!). It's going to be a few days til I get used to this. I never had this problem when I was younger, then again, I was usually out partying on Saturday nights and slept most of Sunday so I never noticed LOL.

The cassoulet came out pretty well, tho it still needs something taste wise. Half is in the fridge for tomorrow, there is still a bit left from dinner last night. Hubby thinks it needs worchestershire sauce. I must admit, it did add to it when hubby sprinkled some on his portion, but even after it had a chance to mellow, it was still overwhelming in flavor. I may add some white basalmic vinegar to the cassoulet I bring tomorrow, since I don' think it would have time to really cook off the alcohol from any additional wine. I'll be bringing the 4 qt slow cooker and get it going as soon as I get to work.

The sourdough came out okay, I forgot to add the baking soda :P I was going to steam the bread to get a chewy crust, but the pan I wanted to use was too big for the bottom of the oven, it would be sitting on part of the element. Have to find something else to use next time. I ended up brushing the loaves with melted butter for a soft crust.

So we were up late last night watching the race (hubby ended up going over to a clients, so I waited for him). Very bummed Jeff didn't win, but he did come in 2nd. We were also rooting for Dale Jr and betting on how much car would be left when he crossed the finish line LOL Gotta remember to set the DVR to add extra time on the race. It's supposed to add extra time for sports programs, which it seems to have done, but it cut off right after Stewart crossed the finish line. EEP! A little more time then that please!
