YAY! Friday!!!

and I want to throw up. Just called the employee assitance program to get a referal to see a shrink (okay, mental health therapist) and I'm shaking like a leaf and the chili cheese fritos I had for break are threatening to come back up. So I have the names for two women therapists, so I'll call at lunch to see about an appointment. The benefits are up to 8 sessions for free, covered under insurance. So we'll see what happens.

On an up note, it's Friday and payday. With luck we can get a bit more grocery shopping done, at the very least buy cat food, we're running low.

Watched a very funny Mythbusters last night, it was hilarious to see how many times they could reference flatulance without saying "fart" hehehehehehehe. I tell you, saying "flatus" was a whole lot cruder sounding then saying fart :P

Did burgers and fries, tossed the fries with olive oil and a packet of ranch dressing and then into the oven. Very tasty. Leftovers for lunch

Okay, decided to call now, got an answering service. Gave them my cell for a call back :P

I hate this.

Sunny out today, but cold. I don'thtink it will be warm enought o get any outside work done, but it looks like it will be warmer later next week.

Next week is spring break, so it will be quiet on campus for a while. That will be nice.
