Well, frivil

Blogger is being flaky today. Thank goodness I do have the other journal. Fingers crossed I can get this to publish on the 3rd try.

The buns turned out wonderfully well, I doubt we'll ever go back to store bought anytime soon. Considering it is the first time I made them, they turned out pretty well. Here are the hamburger buns:

I gave them an egg wash before baking and sprinkled them with sesame seeds. I should have taken a pic of the hot dog buns, they look even funkier hehehehehehe. Taste good tho. Next time around I'll cut the dough so I can get 8 buns out of each single batch. Then they should be a more even size.

So for dinner I did burgers, tho I discovered we were out of fries. But with the homemade buns, I didn't miss them:


with my seasoned burgers, a bit of ketchup and topped with shredded medium cheddar:


Had a good start for today, the race got off okay, so I'll have it to watch tonight and I switched to my green leather jacket I haven't worn all winter and discovered $35 in the pocket :) I've no clue where it came from, but it when into the tin to replace the $20 I pulled from it on Friday.

Hubby had gotten up early, so there wasn't enough coffee left to bring some from home, so we stopped at Coffee Creations, a drive thru coffe place on the Troy Highway that makes very yummy mochas. In the summertime we liketo get their iced mochas.


Natalie said…
I've tried to make hamburger buns & they didn't look nearly as nice as yours!
Kimmy said…
surfing blogmad

JeanC said…
Thanks titanium :)

kimmy, it was definately yum hehehehehe
Anonymous said…
Looks delicious...
Anonymous said…
OH good lord, where do you live? I need me one of them cheeseburgers RIGHT NOW!!!
WendyWings said…
Here via Blogmad those look sooo good !
Chimera said…
Handy tip I have just picked up for Blogger:

Before you publish, save it first as a draft. Then select it again and publish immediately.

I think Blogger might have "time-out" issues. I almost lost a couple of posts, so I started saving them first as drafts, then publishing them immediately afterwards. I haven't had any error messages since then -- or hang-fires, either, where the pubbing clock goes around and around and around for ten minutes before it tells you it can't publish because of some "error."
JeanC said…
Yeah, I'd seen enough screaming on other Blooger blogs about it eating their posts, so I have been hitting "save to draft" fairly often. I do like that feature. I was posting something on my cooking blog (I really need to get my butt back in gear and do something with it :P ), somehow hit the preview and when I went back, my post was totally gone. The only thing left was the photos I'd already loaded on it and had saved to draft since I wasn't ready at the time to put inthe text.

I'm not sure what Blogger was up to the other day, I hit "publish" and it sat there and sat there and sat there. I had my fingers crossed it wouldn't eat my draft LOL
Chimera said…
There is also a "recover post" link on blogger's pubbing page that I have not yet explored. Not quite sure what it does.

One thing I've seen on Blogger Forums is an advisory to back up your template! It seems that Blogger not only sometimes gets hungry, but also cannibalistic...
Anonymous said…
I'll keep the backing up the template suggestion in mind. Early on (on Ms Ella's journal) I discovered that changing templates on Blogger isn't easy, not like Bravejournal. You decide on a new template, all your links go bye bye on Blogger :P Luckily at that point I didn't much on Ms Ella's blog. That's why I liked Bravejournal so much in regards to looks, you can change things around, play with colors and not lose links and such.

I'm currently playing with my template in Nvu, just changing values to see what they do so I can get this whole CSS thing completely figured out.