For real. Yesterday was spent running errands and in doctors offices. Never made it out to my garden, but the time we got home I was too tired and blech.

I'm liking my mental health counselor, even if my mind panics and goes blank when she asks me a question :P We have determined somehting has to happen to make my life happier, even if I don't quit my job and go into something I want to do (even tho I love my job, but I'm in a rut and can't get out. Make sense? LOL). She's also size accepting, I was afraid she'd pop off with "well is you losts XX pounds you'd be happier!" BS. She asked if my weight was a probem, I told no, I was happy with it, I was involved with fat/size acceptance on the web, along with Health at Every Size and she said "Good for you!". She feels as long as one is healthy, one's size is fine, even if it society tells you otherwise. When things get further along I may pass info along to her.

Now my regular doc is another matter, even tho she knows my views. However I generally ignore her little comments. She did however have no problems with presribing me my anti-depressant and in fact got me 20 days supply free (well the other insurance didn't explicitly SAY it was only for their clients LOL) so I can find out if it works without too much out of pocket. I'm on 20mg a day of fluoxetine (generic Prozac), and we'll know in a few days if it will work.

Sometime this weekend the fenders, rack and panniers go back on the bike and since we ave the time change tomorrow night, I'll actually have some day light to do a little biking after work.

A couple more degrees rise in temp and I'm opening up the house and heading out to my garden. I do need to get the one spot enlarged, I probably won't enlarge the other whee I plan on putting tomatos yet. I do need to start work on those inverted hangers. If the hot glue doesn't work, I do notice we have the bathroom loctite hehehehehehe.

I've got to get some potting soil, my one avacado seed that grew is tall and sprouting leaves all over the place. I'd pinched it to keep it from getting too tall and it sent out a new leader :P I have another avacado seed to start soon.

I really need to get back to getting my dishes done and my sink shiny. Makes it difficult to do much in the kitchen again. Ended up buying store bought hoagie rolls last night since I had neither the inclination nor the space to make my own. I made a beef roast which we sliced and stuffed into hoagies, topped with feta and I made an au jus from a packet for dinner. Very yummy. Tonight I'll attempt pizza.


Chimera said…
*sigh* You do keep teasing me with food... I have two questions:

1) How do I get to your place?

2) What time is dinner?


If you're looking to get into a different field from your current job, have you considered taking a Leave of Absence, rather than quitting, so you can explore the possibilities without running out of safety net?
JeanC said…
1. Head to Seattle, hang a left to Spokane and then south of Spokane to Moscow :D

2. Dinner should be about 6m heheheheh

I wish I could do a leave of absence, but I'm only staff and working for the state of Idaho at that :P I can take a class or two cheap, so may consider looking at classes again. I'm only a couple credits from getting an anthro/archaeology degree, not that there are any jobs there right now. I may look into something in health or education. If anything, it just may be what my brain needs to get stimulated again.

Then again, we get hubby his GED, he takes cheap classes thru the U, gets a degree in cartography, a nice cushy well paying job and I can quit and stay home and have a home based business where I can set my own hours and hubby gets to bring home the bennies hehehehehehe