Made it thru the week!

Long week and I even had Monday off LOL. I have GOT to learn to stop stressing over the annual staff evaluations. Mine went wonderfully well, lots of meets and exceeds requirements and we even tweaked my job description when we realized that one part of it which accounted for a LOT of my time when he'd gotten the upgrade was no longer that much.

Snowed this morning, the wind was just right and the snow wet enough we lost Dish signal twice watching my morning shows. 1st time in a year that happened. If we are going to have more snow over the weekend we'll spray the dishes with silicone spray, helps the snow slide off. If one doesn't have silicone spray, the stuff you use for baking works well too :D

Hubby had a client who paid him today, so we have a little more money for grocery shopping. He had a paying client yesterday also, so we'd hit the grocery store and got more chicken. We'll get more tonight, along with a couple other things. I'm dying for spaghetti, so will pick up the fixin's for me, hubby's not a big pasta fan, so I usually have it once in a blue moon and fix it only when I start going insane for it hehehehehehehe.

One of my projects this weekend will be organizing the deep freeze. I had hubby start dinner yesterday and I'd forgotten to pull out the chicken stock I needed for the rice when I took the asian dump chicken out so I dropped him note asking him to pull a package out. He wrote back he'd finally located one that wasn't labeled turkey stock and I'd forgotten to mention WHICH freezer to look in hehehehehe. Okay, I do stash stuff in the little freezer on the refrigerator, so it could get confusing which one. So I really need to go in and figure out what I have and where and get the inventory up and running again. Same with the pantry.
