An experiment

I am currently attempting a totally new dish completely from my own mind. Not sure how it is going to come out. I need to take a dish to circle tonight and I wanted to try one that eveyone can eat (hopefully). My aunt had sent us several packages of dried wild mushrooms, so I took one and have it soaking to reconsitute the 'shrooms. I have 2 cups of lentils cooking on the stove and I've just added the liquid the 'shrooms were soaking in to add a little more flavor. The plan is to drain the lentils when done and add the 'shrooms and mix together. I haven't decided what to season it all with, probably some white basalmic vinegar and go from there. Once done I'll pop it in the fridge to chill for a little bit.

I'll post the final recipe and how it went over with everyone tommorrow. Fingers crossed :D
