Still among the living

Managed to survive work, the beta blockers are doing their job, my pulse rate is below 100. I'm not to sure about the side effects tho, I've been feeling pretty loopy all day, a bit dizzy and draggy. When I took beta blockers before I took propranalol, which was 20mg a day. I don't remember any side effects, but then I was so hyper the side effects probably were overwhelmed. This time around I am taking metoprolol, dosage 50 mg twice a day. I think I may cut the pills in half and take 25 mg 4 times a day and maybe the side effects won't be quite so bad.

Will be stopping off at the fairgrounds on the way home to night to vote in the school levy. It will cover the cost of a new high school, the remodeling of 2 elementary schools and some other works projects needed for the schools. I remember going to the high school in the mid 70s. It was in desperate need of upgrading then and it is now worse.

Not sure what to do for dinner. I'm still not that hungry (at least for anything we have in the house) and just had crackers at lunch as the tomato soup I brought didn't look at all appetizing. Not to mention it was a store brand. I am very picky about my canned soup and it tends to be Campbell's or nothing. Hubby doesn't care, so we'll pick up the cheaper store brand for him and that was all we had in the pantry today :(
