A new week

Weekends go WAY to fast. We should get a longer weekend.

Got a few things done this weekend. Friday night did some grocery shopping, checked Wally World for a new kitchen light fixture, picked up another 4 pounds of butter and some 3 drawer bins for the bathroom. Hit Tri-State to see what they had for light fixtures. I was wanting something 1950ish and the gal there suggested CHampion Electric just over the state line. Picked up a couple of really nice rocks glasses for $1.99 each (and looked longingly at the 16 piece set of short and tall glasses inthe same style for $20. Decided to hold off on that until we have more room for something like that). Went home and broke in the glasses with Tom Collinses.

Sat we checked Moscow Building Supply to see what they had for light fixtures, wandered around and priced sanders. Hit Champion Electric and found what I wanted. Now I have to find something that matches to replace the fixture over the sink. We also picked up a new light switch at MBS to replace the one for the kitchen sink light as that one took about1/2 hour or so for the light to come on when you switched it on.

When we got home I went out and stripped all the green tomatos from the plants in the big garden. I was predicting freezing Sat night. Good thing, it did hit freezing, overnight low Sat night was 32 and this morning it was 31.6 according to our thermometer. I've tucked the tomatos (cherry, big boy and romas) into boxes, layered in newspaper, so hopefully they will ripen up. Otherwise I may have to figure out green tomato recipes besided frying them.

Finished winterizing the kitchen. Just have to put a layer of plastic over the kitchen sink window and that is done. Finished the back door, just have to find the blanket I hang over it. The last thing we need to do is seal the fan in the bathroom and we'll be all done for the season. Early for a change heheheheh, usually it is a month after we start hitting freezing overnight before we get tucked in.

The Dollar Store is definately going to be dangerous. We went in Sunday and took our time checking it out. Picked up a few things that will help with organizing hubby's office and they do carry laundry baskets which I'll start collecting in a few months to use for planters next spring.

Hit Safeway and picked up a couple of tip roasts on sale for $1.99 a pound. Also picked up a small boneless leg of lamb for $2.99. Cut them all in half and tossed them in the freezer. The one half of lamb is marinating in the fridge as we speak. Last night I tucked it in a zip lock back and tossed in some salt, pepper, garlic powder, lemon juice, rosemary and olive oil. I'll have hubby put it in the oven about 5pm and it should be done shortly after I get home from work. I've never done lamb my self, but have had it at home when my dad fixed it and over at friends. I'll make some rice to go along with it.

A week to go until the election, I can't wait, I am getting tired of all the BS political commericals. Thank the goddess for PVR, we can record just about everything we like to watch and then zip the commericals so we only have to listen to a little BS on the few shows we watch live (news mostly) and even then, Thank the goddess for the mute button :D
