Odds and sods

Well, our house guests arrived from Canada safe and sound. They came down in the cutest Geo Metro they call the "Nugget" becasue it is gold colored. With gas prices as they are it was a smart move, they would have paid a fortune driving their SUV, even tho that would have been more comfortable.

I am so glad we rearrainged the living room. Before the couch/hide-a-bed was on the outside wall under the windows, which meant that when opened it pretty much blocked access to the kitchen since it took up most of the living room. I moved to another wall, so now it opens the length of the room and I have a straight shot fromthe bedroom to the kitchen so I can get my monring coffee without having to climb over guests :D hehehehe

The pork roast was done to perfection, I fixed frozen brocoli and cauliflower in the microwave and did up a packet of alfredo sauce to go on top and we had a nice romain salad with homemade ceasar dressing (and to twit the food police, I used REAL eggs and they were raw BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA). Dinner was enjoyed by all :)

I've got a new toy for the kitchen. I've been bemoaning the fact that it is a pain in the butt to wok on an electric stove. Now I love my stove, it is a late 50's General Electric model that is WAY cool looking, very retro and wide (I really have to get a pic of it and post it), but trying to get fine heat control on ANY electric stove is the pits. We'd hoped to have had gas installed a few years ago, but Avista couldn't get their act and story together as to whether or not enough people signed up to actually run a line out, so we gave up hoping. So we've been looking at those little single burner butane table top jobs. Problem was the only places we saw them cheap enough were at gun shows and we weren't sure about being able to get the fuel for them reliably. We checked TriState since they tend to also be kitchen equipment, but the gal who runs that dept said she'd not seen them at the trade shows of late. We did find one down at Cash and Carry in Lewiston, but it was pricey. We'd started thinking that we would have to resort to a propane style, but I wasn't thrilled with the one we'd seen. It was way cool, made of cast iron, but using it on top of my stove would have been tricky and then there was having a propane bottle either on the counter or the floor.

Well, to finish the long story, hubby found EXACTLY what we were looking for at Big 5 sporting goods, on sale for $15 AND they keep the butane cartridges in stock :) Happy Happy Joy Joy. So now I can cook Chinese and if the power goes out and we have to cook, I have the means to do so (not too mention it will come in handy camping).
