It's going to be one of those weeks

o far it has been a pretty BLECH week, I've been tired and braindead, with a few shining moments and it is only Wednesday.

Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment, which I'm not looking forward too. I really, really hate getting blood drawn. I am getting better, I only whimper instead of scream :D But it has been almost 8 weeks since I stopped my anti-thyroid meds because they were hammering my poor liver into submission and my white blood count was tanking (amazingly enough, with a low white blood count and an autoimmune disorder I am the only one at work who hasn't gotten any of the bugs rolling around. Weird!). So fingers crossed that I haven't gone hyper again, tho if I haven't we'll have a mystery on our hands as to why I've been having other problems. If I am hyper again, then we'll see about surgically removing part of my thyroid. I refuse radioactive iodine treatement, I've met way too many people who've had nothing but problems after they recieved that treatment for their Graves' disease. If I'm not hyper, then we get to try and figure out my lack of energy, sore and stiffness in joints and muscles and a few other problems caused by Graves. Problem is, once you have one autoimmune disorder, chances of developing another is greatly increased.

Oh well, we'll see what tomorrow brings :)
