Amazing what one can waste time on

I like tiptoeing thru the statistics for the various services I have thru Bravenet. Let's face it, when we have journals and webpages we like to know that people are looking at them and tend to be curious who they might be or at least where they are from. It is an ego thing. I know I feel a bit down when I see that the numbers on my Bravenet counter on my personal webpage aren't climbing very fast Makes me wonder if it is worth the effort. But then there are days when I see hits galore and decide, yeah it's worth it

I'm finding the statistics and referrers for the journal to be rather interesting tho. I have left my addy at various other journals and can see that folk are finding mine thru the tags, just like I'm finding other's thru tags they leave on journals I've searched out. Originally it was yahoo and google searches for bravenet journals as search words, but I've been noticing some rather interesting referers coming thru the various search engines. "Wiccan and tea" was interesting. So was "bravenet web journal single dads", "flylady databases", "clipart girl skipping" and "rose is rose fat". Neat. Then there was the various search words looking for sites that had "the reasons gays shouldn't marry" flyer that made its rounds of the Net. And there are lots of hits thru the link I sent the Spokesman (newspaper out of Spokane, I love to read them online) for local blogs for the Inland Northwest.

There have been a number of hits thru bl.ogs and, which is what the guys at Bravenet signed us up to send out pings whenever we make a new post on our journals. Neat way for other folk to find our journals. Tho I've noticed that most of the hits have been coming via technorati, but I haven't figured that one out. It seems to be a service like bl.ogs and, but I don't feel like signing up just to explore that site. (okay, it pays to actually scroll all the way down the bottom of this page when I go to post . I just noticed they guys did sign us up for technorati. So that explains that hehehehehe)

What I find most perplexing tho is the referers from porn sites What on those site could possibly be sending folk to my journal? It is very confusing I am afraid the folk who are surfing to my journal from those sites are going to be sorely disappointed in that there is no nekkid ladies (Unless you count the Venus of Willendorf I've got at the top), no dirty talk and most definately, nothing to do with Paris Hilton. And then there is the refereral from the John Kerry blog! HUH

Oh well, the mysteries of the internet. At least it is something to keep me entertained hehehehehehe
